Embroidered silk hanging of cranes, wisteria and cycads
Red-vented Bulbul
Enlarged Drawing of the Extremity of a Kingfisher's Wing Feather
Little Egret
One of Japanese two fold painted and embroidered screens depicting a group of sparrows (detail)
Kingfishers, Reeds, and Morning Glories
Brent Goose
A Pair of Ducks in a Landscape, 1659
A male Guianan Toucanet
Shrike, Withered Oak, and Winter Camellia
Embroidered textile hanging with peacock (detail)
Le Nébuleux, dans l'etat du repos
Feather of a Kingfisher's Back, enlarged
Le Superbe étalant ses parures
A Study of a Bird
Enlarged Studies of the Feathers of a Kingfisher's Wing and Head, and a Study of a Group of the Wing Feathers, real Size
Trichoglossus Pyrrhopterus (Orange-winged Lorikeet), 1836
An eagle standing on a rocky ridge; red sun.
Jūmantsubo Plain at Susaki, near Fukagawa
Bird painting
Bird painting - Cranes