High Street, Oxford
Oxford from Magdalen College Tower
Magdalen College and Bridge, Oxford, from the River
Waterlilies in the Cherwell
A View from the Inside of Brazen Nose College Quadrangle, Oxford
Interior of the Radcliffe Observatory
The Entrance of the Ashmolean Museum and the Taylorian Institute from the West
Entrance to Trinity College: Oxford Almanack for 1817
Inside View of the Hall of Christ Church, Oxford
Oxford from Shotover Hill, from Recollection
View of Christ Church from the Meadows
Ecclesia B. Mariae Virginis (University Church of St Mary the Virgin), from 'Oxonia illustrata' (1675)
The Divinity Schools: Oxford Almanack for 1816
View of the High Bridge at Oxford
Balliol Chapel and Library
Looking down on the Roof of New College Hall 1909
Bodleian Library and Schools Quadrangle from the South, from 'Oxonia illustrata' (1675)
South Front of the Sheldonian Theatre, from 'Oxonia Illustrata' (1675)
Christ Church College, Oxford
Design Studies for Capitals for the University Museum, Oxford
Gravel Pit on Shotover Hill, near Oxford
Iffley Mill
View of Oxford from Headington
View of Marston, near Oxford