Study of Dawn: purple Clouds, Denmark Hill, 20 March 1868
Study of Dawn: the first Scarlet on the Clouds, Denmark Hill, March 1868
Summer Sunset
Sunset off the Morea
The Early Ploughman
Pæstum (from the ‘Little Liber’)
The Sun descending - Study 3, 1945
The Last Judgement
Aurora (Dawn)
Meridies (Midday)
View of Amsterdam from the Kadijk
Vespera (Evening)
Nox (Night)
The Angel appearing to the Shepherds
Salisbury Cathedral (small plate)
Spring (from English Landscape Scenery)
Sepulchral Remains in the Campagna
The Rising Moon
The Fifth Plague of Egypt (from the Liber Studiorum)
A Starry Night
Cloud March over the Sands of Dee