The Apparition from 'Gerard de Nerval: Histoire de la Reine du Matin & de Soliman Prince des Geniés
Trial impression for 'Le Lotus Rouge'
Balkis and the king from 'Gerard de Nerval: Histoire de la Reine du Matin & de Soliman Prince des Geniés'
Verso: Figure Studies
Venice: The Accademia
Transept of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire
The Ploughman: Christian Ploughing the last furrow of life
The Piazzetta, Venice
The Palazzo Contarini-Fasan, Venice
The Grand Canal, Venice
The Exterior of the Ducal Palace, Venice
The Court of the Ducal Palace, Venice
The Chateau of Amboise
The Birdcage
Street Scene in Rouen
Still Life with Oysters
Still life of Fruit and Flowers
St Dominic de Guzman receiving the Rosary
Portrait of a young Man
Pietà: Composition of ten Figures
Junction of the Greta and Tees at Rokeby
Coombe Martin, Devon
Chateau Hamelin, between Oudon and Ancenis