Chateau de Nantes
Between Clairmont and Mauves
A View of Worcester College, Oxford
A Vase of Flowers
A Night Procession in the Piazza San Marco
A Fisherman's Hut by the Sea
A Dragon-fly, two Moths, a Spider and some Beetles, with wild Strawberries
A Cockchafer, Beetle, Woodlice and other Insects, with a Sprig of Auricula
The Resurrection of Christ
Three Putti
The Marriage of Peleus and Thetis in the presence of Juno
Study of a Ruined Building
Head of a Boy in profile to right
Head of a Youth
Embroidered picture: "The Temptation of Adam and Eve"
Self-portrait with Saskia
Illustrations to Robert Thornton's 'Pastorals of Virgil' (17 plates)
Eurydice dying in Orpheus' Arms
Acme and Septimius
A Window of the Palazzo Tolomei, Siena, showing the rude and unsymmetrical Placing of massy Stones
The Death of the Virgin
Portrait of an Old Man